TYSABRI 'watched like a hawk': Angelia McCoy hopes she can feel like 'Wonder Woman' again as a test subject.
"Angelia McCoy waits for registered nurse Judi Greene to administer an infusion of Tysabri, a drug for multiple sclerosis recently re-released after its manufacturer pulled it off the market 1 1/2 years ago amid safety concerns....
Earlier this summer, federal regulators approved the company's plan to reintroduce Tysabri under strict limits. The rules say that it can only be used for people whose multiple sclerosis can't be controlled with other drugs. Also, patients may not take other medications while they are on Tysabri.Before each monthly treatment, they must fill out four surveys that track how they are faring physically and mentally. 'Do you have difficulty understanding what others are saying, or expressing yourself?' one survey asks. 'Do you have any weakness or numbness in your legs?'Each survey must be faxed to the drug manufacturer. A 'yes' answer to any of the questions would lead to an interruption in treatment while doctors check the patient for complications.The drug costs about $25,000 per year, but McCoy's is covered by the manufacturer because she is taking part in......